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Select two of our famous Caribbean Sea Moss Gels!
Turmeric Ginger Gel - Sea Moss, Turmeric, Ginger, Lemon, Dandelion, Alkaline Water
Elderberry Gel - Sea Moss, Elderberry, Dandelion, Alkaline Water
Soursop Gel - Sea Moss, Soursop Pulp, Soursop Leaf. Alkaline Water
Plain Gel - Sea Moss, Alkaline Water
AMOUNT: 2 -8 oz Sea Moss Gels
Sea Moss naturally contains 92 of the 102 minerals that exist in the body. Sea Moss supplies energy to the body, oxygenates blood cells, regulates digestion and detoxifies the body, killing mucus and infections.
Turmeric contains magnesium, potassium, calcium, fiber, zinc, & vitamin C. These compounds create natural anti -inflammatory agent that increases the antioxidant capacity of the body which makes it great for your skin. Turmeric improves brain function and lowers the risk of heart disease. Turmeric has been used to successfully treat Alzheimer’s, Cancer, Depression and age-related chronic diseases.
Ginger is loaded with antioxidants that prevent stress and damage to our body’s DNA. These compounds hep our body fight off chronic disease like high blood pressure, heart disease, and diseases of the lungs. Ginger because it is high in antioxidants, promotes healthy aging and is used to reduce nausea, help digestion, and fight the common flu and cold.
Lemons are a great source of vitamin C and studies have proven that regular consumption of lemons have prevented kidney stones, anemia, and reduced the risk of cancer. Additionally, lemons help with weight control by improving your digestive health.
Elderberry is a fruit found in nature that cures the common cold, flu, constipation, hay fever, and sinus infections by killing the mucus in the body.
Dandelion contains beta-carotene which helps protect cells from damage. Dandelion also reduces cholesterol lowers blood pressure, aids digestion, lowers risk of cancer and aids in weight loss
Soursop Leaf improves heart health by lowering triglycerides and LDL. Additionally, soursop leaves are known to lower hypertension and is great to help manage diabetes. Studies show that soursop leaves help boost your total immunity; and that because they are antioxidant rich, seeks out free radicals in the body and reduce overall stress.
Soursop Pulp is antioxidant rich and research has shown that it has played a vital role in the reduction of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Other studies have sown that soursop pulp helps prevent damage to cells caused by free radicals.
Dandelion contains beta-carotene which helps protect cells from damage. Dandelion also reduces cholesterol lowers blood pressure, aids digestion, lowers risk of cancer and aids in weight loss
Alkaline Water has ultra-hydrating properties as compared to normal water. Alkaline water slows down the aging process by regulating the pH levels of the body and prevent various chronic diseases.